Monday 25 April 2011

Time keeping

Below is the plan I made to so that I could keep track of what work I had done and what I still had to do, in using this I managed to jeep my time effectively as I had a plan of what to do next and made it simple so that I had enough time to do each part of the work.

September 2010
Decide what genre of newspaper will be about. Basic Structure for first page of newspaper. Find images. Begin planning and researching examples of poster, newspaper and website.
September 2010
Begin putting together first page of newspaper
October 2010
Finish first page of newspaper and begin second
October 2010
Finish second page of newspaper
November 2010
Begin thinking of ideas for poster, make sure that newspaper pages 1 and 2 are completed
November 2010
Begin constructing poster
December 2010
Finish poster
December 2010
Make sure that poster is finished, begin making structure of first page of website-images
January 2011
Begin constructing first page of website
January 2011
Finish first page of website
February 2011
Begin second page of website
February 2011
Finish second page of website
March 2011
Make sure that poster newspaper and website is completed. Continue with planning and researching blog.
March 2011
Planning and Research Blog
April 2011
Finish Planning and Research for Blog and begin Evaluating
April 2011

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