Saturday 22 January 2011

Exisiting Newspapers- The Evening Echo

This page of the "Evening Echo" newspaper, consists of the following conventions of a newspaper;
  • Masthead
  • date of when the newspaper was published
  • Price tag
  • strapline
  • Headline
  • Large image in terms of pixels-takes up a lot of page
  • Gutters
  • text written in newspaper form- columns
  • Byline-authors name printed at the beggining of the article
  • Barcode
  • Jump-article continuing  from one page to another
  • Bleed-illustration filling more than one margin
  • A filler-stories or advertisements used to fill spaces where needed
The very first page of the "Evening Echo" as seen above, consists of one main story and two smaller ones, each roughly three columns, but only has an image for the main story, in fills in the remaining soace with an advert, which they could've used to place an image for the other two articles. There is very little space for any more images or text. The masthead as well as the image are fairly colourful and stand out, which may draw the attention of a psser by, which is the aim of the colour, it has lots of information and so seems reliable, and as a reader you get the impresion that the information that they have collected andwritten in the articles is given to the newspaper via a reliabel source, and so makes the information ore realistic and trustworthy. The main headline is written in a large font size, and is written in a bold typeface, this makes it stand out above the rest of the newpaper, and the fact that it uses statistics ("1,100") make the article seem more reliable as it is specific. Other parts of the newspaper are written in a bold typeface which makes it not only stand out but informs the reader that the information is important.

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