Thursday 17 February 2011


Below is an example of a sport related poster...

This is a poster advertising the FIFA 2011 World Cup, though there is very little information the image and the text provided make it very clear to the reader as to what the poster is advertising, for example you can clearly see that the poster has something to do with football as it shows a person kicking a ball, you can also tell this by the fact that it says FIFA World Cup which is the national governing body for football and determines all the rules and regulations within the sport. it also tells you where and when the World Cup is being placed identified by the words " south africa 2010" and "June 11th-June 25th". The poster is very attractive due to its bright colors which instantly attract the readers attention, as well as the fact that the font is in a large font size and certain important words such as "Africa" are written in a different color font again informing the reader that this information is important, you can therefore say that the poster has achieved its purpose of attracting the reader and informing the reader about the 2010 World Cup.

Below is another poster...
This is a poster advertising the 2009 European Championships in Nottingham. You can clearly see what the poster is about by the image of a man canoeing, this is further evidenced by the words "Canoe Slalom". This poster gives lots of information, it clearly identifies what the poster is advertising, identifies  where it is being held (" Nottingham"), identifies when it is being held, and gives the reader a website address at the bottom of the page where they can find further information. The image is a large size and through the use of the colors it will be easily seen by a passer by, as it is eye catchy, the font colour of the text contrast to the colour of the water and the color of the man, making it easy to read and understand whilst also indicating to the reader whether or not the information is important by the use of the size of font. This poster is easy to read and easy to spot compared to other posters due to its colour and its size of font and images, the target audience would be anyone interested in canoeing and more importantly the european championships, though this poster does advertise the canoe slalom the bigger picture is that it is part of the 2009 European Championships. This poster advertises its sponsors such as lottery fund and uk sport, which again helps the advertisement as the sponsors will gain money from people watching the canoeing, promoting the golden triangle in the commercialization of sport as shown below.

commercialization occurs in a number of ways which are; financial, media attention, product and changing of sports.

Below is a third sport related poster...

Though this isn't as traditional a poster compared to the other two because of the fact that it is advertising a radio station it has links to sport. For example the Nottingham Forest football club emblem can be seen in the bottom right hand corner and the link to "come on you reds" linking with a chant that you would hear at football match, i like the fact that the words "you reds" is written in a red font linking with the word red. You can also see the football pitch in the background that the producer of the poster made opaque so that it didn't cover the text and highlight attention to the football pitch, the producer has used the strong link of football to draw the reader in, more people would rather see and read a poster that was about football than a about a radio station. Though there is very few words it is important and meaningful, for example we can tell that it is a radio station in Nottingham, and shows what stations it can be found on. The link to football though is also a weakness, it draws in the reader but when they see that it isn't about football it may disappoint them and they may lose interest. another weakness with this poster is that it is predominantly a link to football rather than a radio station, there is very little colour which makes it less attractive and gives it a smaller chance of being seen and read by the public, if the public don't stop and read it (as that is what the purpose of a poster is) then it isn't effective, the purpose of this advert is to get more people listening to the radio station so if there not reading it they are not achieving their aim. To improve it they need to be make it more attractive and colorful whilst also giving a lot more information such as what days it is on and what time as well as who is presenting or who is host of the station for a specific day or all the time, if it is a celebrity then the public may be more interested as to what they are saying due to their influence.

Above is a poster that isn't related to sport. This poster is advertising a film- The Dark Knight. Though its target audience isn't directed to someone with an interest in sport it has similar characteristics of a poster such as those above and the one below. For example it has a masthead, indicating what the poster is about, lots of colour and a large font size (in particular the masthead) to draw the readers attention, and gives lots of information as to what the poster is about including what (a poster for a film), who (Batman, The Dark Knight) and when (coming soon). You can clearly  see that this isn't directed specifically at sport as it has no sporty images and has no relevant information linked to sport, and looks to be directed towards a film because of the language used such as "Coming Soon", the symbol of Batman (The bat seen towards the bottom of the page) as well as the fact that you don't recognise the man in the poster as a ordinary person that is real and isn't fiction, for example you don't see many if any people wearing paint, with buildings being destroyed all around him with a gun. You can also tell this by the names of the actors at the top of the page such as "Christian Bale, Michael Caine" etc who most people, would know and relate to films. You can clearly see the genre of this film is action by the exploding buildings and debris behind the man as well as the fact that he is carrying a gun, you can also tell this if you know anything about the comic books of Batman. Batman was first a comic and has been produced and is being distributed as a film. This poster is a bit of a tester as the image makes it look interesting and exciting and so you want to read more, however the poster doesn't really give much information, however it gives a website where the viewer can learn more "" and also the words "Coming Soon" also implies that you're going to have to wait for the film to be distributed and then go and find out what happens yourself by going and watching it. In particular I really like the bat symbol and the blue light in the background of it because it looks interesting and unique, the blu colour contrasts with the rest of the colour which is predominantly black and so makes it stand out, when looking at this poster this was one of the first things i saw because of this and so if you know what the symbol stands for (Batman) then you instantly know what it is about and so interests a viewer.

This poster is advertising Basketball. Thought there is only a small amount of information, this poster says a lot, for example their are eleven images all of which can clearly be seen to link with Basketball, this can be identified through the actual word "Basketball" as well as the demonstration of techniques and skills such as the far right image of the middle section a boy about to have a shot, as well as a basketball in the same image, it can also be seen by what the people are wearing (basketball shirts). From these images you can tell that it is aimed at younger people by the fact that the people in the images look fairly young.  This poster explains what the poster is about (Basketball), where it is held "Maine- Endwell JV" as well as what year "2008-2009" indicating what season the poster is advertising. However this poster is taken up with the images and some more information in my opinion is needed for example what days and times are these matches going to be held, who are they playing, what league they are playing in, to do this they need more information and a few images could be cut out of the poster to provide room for this information. The colour also is fairly boring, it would stand out a lot more if the background was a darker colour as this way it can contrast to the images of which the lighting is quite high, also a orange background could make it even more obvious that the poster is about Basketball as the orange links to the colour of the Basketball.

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